Get 24/7 Fire And Life Protection With Your Home Safety Products
In the unfortunate event of a fire or health emergency, each minute counts. That’s why [your home should have the best fire, carbon monoxide, and flood detectors wired into your Rochester home security system.
That’s because the minute your Rochester home safety products detect a fire, flood, or CO leak, your ADT monitoring center will quickly alert emergency personnel. ADT monitoring is nice when you're at home, but necessary when you’re away -- like when a faulty HVAC overheats or you forgot to switch off the curling iron. With ADT monitoring backing you up, emergency services could even get to your home before you can!

Smart Fire Protection Comes With Monitored Fire Alarms
Go beyond your conventional smoke detectors with sensitive fire alarms that look for both heat and smoke. And when your alarms go off, your ADT monitoring center quickly calls emergency services to your home.

Stop Carbon Monoxide Poisoning With A Carbon Monoxide Detector
Let your family sleep better with a robust CO alarm that notifies you and your ADT monitoring station the minute it detects even small amounts of this odorless, colorless gas.

Reduce Water Damage Using Your ADT Monitored Flood Detector
Floors and boxes of memories can get waterlogged when your basement floods. A flood detector notifies you when water is coming in from a Rochester rainstorm or busted pipe.

Panic Buttons Soothes Your Worry About A Health Or Safety Emergency
Get help for a health or safety crisis by pressing your panic button. Gift the 2-button device to a loved one to wear comfortably on their wrist or like a necklace. A quick button press gives them a direct line to your ADT monitoring station.
ADT Monitoring Means Peace of Mind Home Or Away
For every triggered alarm, ADT quickly alerts your local emergency department. Then you’re able to concentrate on keeping your family out of harm’s way when a fire or other emergency starts while you were sleeping. ADT monitoring also ensures that your home is still secure when you’re at school and work. Your home security system will even text alerts to your phone. That’s secure protection 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!
Get Your Rochester Home Safety Products Installed By The Professionals At Secure24 Alarm Systems
Let the professionals at Secure24 Alarm Systems design your fire, flood, and safety products as part of your Rochester home security. Just call (507) 218-4806 or complete the form below for a free quote.